

镍基高温合金是航空航天领域不可缺少的基础性材料,但难变形、难切削、易偏析、工艺流程长、成材率低等缺点一直是镍基高温合金零部件制造所面临的难题,涡轮叶片、发动机燃油喷嘴等结构复杂零部件的生产问题一直面临上述问题。高能束增材制造技术(high-energy beam additive manufacturing, HEB-AM)直接制造复杂零部件,成形精度高、周期短、材料利用率高、减少机加工,极大程度上解决了传统加工技术面临的问题。HEB-AM技术已广泛应用于常见金属材料的制造生产过程中,例如模具钢,钛合金和铝合金等。目前,在HEB-AM成形镍基高温合金方面,国内外已有部分研究,沉淀强化型(Inconel718、Inconel738和Rene88DT等),固溶强化型(Inconel625、Hastelloy X)等镍基高温合金均有研究。



图1 应用高能束增材制造技术打印镍基高温合金的主要裂纹类型为凝固裂纹、液化裂纹、应变裂纹、延性-浸渍裂纹和冷裂

图2 高能束增材制造技术加工镍基高温合金的裂纹抑制方法



图3 裂纹产生的原因及抑制裂纹的机理和方法总结


(1) 过大热应力是SLM成形镍基高温合金中微裂纹缺陷形成的驱动力。目前缺少对SLM成形镍基高温合金成形过程中的热应力相关研究,有必要借助模拟仿真手段研究SLM成形过程中的温度场和应力场,为降低成形过程中的热应力提供指导。同时采用在线工艺优化以及同步高温预热技术,来降低成形过程中产生的热应力,减少裂纹产生的趋势。(2) 用于HEB-AM工艺的无裂纹镍基高温合金的合金设计。当前HEB-AM成形用镍基高温合金粉末为成熟的传统牌号,这些成熟牌号的合金成分是基于铸造、锻造工艺特点予以设计的,并未充分考虑HEB-AM快熔速冷的技术特点,开发出适合HEB-AM技术特点的专用合金,是HEB-AM成形高质量镍基高温合金必须予以高度重视的研究方向。

(3) 随着HEB-AM技术的深入发展,大尺寸复杂结构零部件的整体制造被提上日程,这将需要多激光协同作业。目前缺乏多激光成形镍基高温合金的相应研究,下一步有必要加大对多激光大台面成形镍基高温合金工艺及设备方面的研究,为整体制造大尺寸复杂零部件提供技术支持。





Qingsong Wei, Yin Xie, Qing Teng, Muyu Shen, Shanshan Sun, Chao Cai. Crack Types, Mechanisms, and Suppression Methods during High-energy Beam Additive Manufacturing of Nickel-based Superalloys: A Review. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 2022, 1(4): 100055.


魏青松,男,1975年生。华中科技大学“华中学者”特聘教授,材料科学与工程学院博士生导师,材料加工与计算机应用系副主任,材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室PI教授,学校学术前沿青年团队负责人。担任中国机械工程学会增材制造分会副总干事、中国机械工程学会特种加工分会理事、中国模具协会装备委员会副主任。主要从事增材制造(3D打印)研究与教学工作,近年来主持了国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、国际合作等科研任务20余项。研究高性能构件材料制备与成形一体化3D打印技术,打印的发动机机匣铸型、随形水道金属模具及个性化医学植入体获得应用,研制的金属激光3D打印机和阵列式喷印打印机获产业化生产。在《ACTA Materialia》、《中国科学》等国内外权威期刊上发表论文150余篇,SCI收录60余篇,他引5000余次(ESI高被引7篇次)。授权发明专利近30项,主编专著(教材)3部、参编1部。获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名,入选武汉市黄鹤英才计划、武汉市青年科技晨光计划、江苏省科技创新(双创)人才计划,是教育部创新团队学术骨干。曾担任全国增材制造青年科学家论坛主席,受邀国内外会议报告10余次。获得2011年中国十大科技进展、2项省部级一等奖、3项省部级二等奖,获“华中科技大学师德三育人奖”称号。




[1] Yin Xie, Qing Teng, Muyu Shen, Zhenyu Zhang, Yu Wei, Chao Cai* & Qingsong Wei*. The role of overlap region width in multi-laser powder bed fusion of Hastelloy X superalloy[J]. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2022, 18(1): 2142802.

[2] Yanbing Liu, Jikang Li, Ke Xu, Tan Cheng, Danlei Zhao, Wei Li, Qing Teng, Qingsong Wei*. An optimized scanning strategy to mitigate excessive heat accumulation caused by short scanning lines in laser powder bed fusion process[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 60(12): 103256.

[3] Zhao Danlei, Han Changjun, Peng Bo, Cheng Tan, Fan Junxiang, Yang Lei, Chen Lili, Wei Qingsong*. Corrosion fatigue behavior and anti-fatigue mechanisms of an additively manufactured biodegradable zinc-magnesium gyroid scaffold, Bioactivity and in-Situ Bone Regeneration Capability[J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2022, 153: 614-629.

[4] Li Jikang, Zhang Zhenwu, Xu Wenhe, Yang Yuanqi, Xue Pengju, Teng Qing, Cai Chao, Li Wei, Wei Qingsong*. Hot isostatic pressing of Cu–15Ni–8Sn alloy with suppressed Sn macro-segregation and enhanced mechanical properties[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022, 855(5): 143866.

[5] Cheng Tan, Chen Hui, Teng Qing, Wei Qingsong*. In-situ experiment tests and particulate simulations on powder paving process of additive manufacturing[J]. Particuology, 2022, 74: 164-172.

[6] Li Jikang, Zhang Zhenwu, Yang Yuanqi, Cai Chao, Li Wei, Wei Qingsong*. Single-track morphology, crystal orientation and microstructure of DD91 nickel-based single crystal superalloy fabricated by selective laser melting[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2022, 49(14): 1402103.

[7] Cheng Tan, Chen Hui, Wei Qingsong. The Role of Roller Rotation Pattern in the Spreading Process of Polymer/Short-Fiber Composite Powder in Selective Laser Sintering[J]. Polymers, 2022, 14(12): 2345.

[8] Teng Qing, Xie Yin, Sun Shanshan, Xue Pengju, Long Anping, Wu Tingguang, Cai Chao, Guo Jianzheng, Wei Qingsong*. Understanding on processing temperature-metallographic microstructure-tensile property relationships of third-generation nickel-based superalloy WZ-A3 prepared by hot isostatic pressing[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 909: 164668.

[9] Li Jikang, Cheng Tan, Liu Yanbing, Yang Yuanqi, Li Wei, Wei Qingsong. Simultaneously enhanced strength and ductility of Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy with periodic heterogeneous microstructures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 54(12): 102726.

[10] Chen Hui, Chen Tan, Li Zhongwei, Wei Qingsong. Is high-speed powder spreading really unfavourable for the part quality of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing?[J] Acta Materialia, 2022, 231: 117901.

[11] Li Wei*, Li Jikang, Duan Xianyin, He Chuanyue, Wei Qingsong*, Shi Yusheng. Dislocation-Induced Ultra-High Strength in a Novel Steel Fabricated Using Laser Powder-Bed-Fusion[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022, 832: 142502.

[12] Chen Hui, Cheng Tan, Wei Qingsong, Yan Wentao. Dynamics of Short Fiber/Polymer Composite Particles in Paving Process of Additive Manufacturing[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 47: 102246.

[13] Zhao Danlei, Liang Hang, Han Changjun, Li Jingjing, Liu Jie, Zhou Kun, Yang Cao*, Wei Qingsong*. 3d Printing of a Titanium-Tantalum Gyroid Scaffold with Superb Elastic Admissible Strain, Bioactivity and in-Situ Bone Regeneration Capability[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 47: 102223.

[14] Sun Shanshan, Teng Qing, Xie Yin, Liu Tong, Ma Rui, Bai Jie, Cai Chao*, Wei Qingsong*. Two-Step Heat Treatment for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Nickel-Based Superalloy with Simultaneously Enhanced Tensile Strength and Ductility[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 46: 102168.

[15] Wang Min, Zhang Yuanjie, Song Bo, Wei Qingsong, Shi Yusheng. Wear Performance and Corrosion Behavior of Nano-Sicp-Reinforced Alsi7mg Composite Prepared by Selective Laser Melting[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2021, 34(9): 1213-1222.

[16] Shi Yusheng, Zhang Jinliang, Wen Shifeng, Song Bo, Yan Chunze, Wei Qingsong, Wu Jiamin, Yin Yajun, Zhou Jianxin, Chen Rui, Zhou Wei, Jia Heping, Yang Huanqing, Nan Hai. Additive Manufacturing and Foundry Innovation[J]. China Foundry, 2021, 18(4): 286-295.

[17] Mao Yiwei, Li Jingwen, Li Wei, Cai Daosheng, Wei Qingsong. Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing of 316l Stainless-Steel Green Parts with High Strength and Low Binder Content: Binder Preparation and Process Optimization[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 291: 117020.

[18] Cai Chao, Gao Xiangyun, Teng Qing, Kiran Raj, Liu Jie*, Wei Qingsong*, Shi Yusheng. Hot Isostatic Pressing of a near Α-Ti Alloy: Temperature Optimization, Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Performance Evaluation[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 802: 140426.

[19] Teng Qing, Li Shuai, Wei Qingsong, Shi Yusheng. Investigation on the Influence of Heat Treatment on Inconel 718 Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting: Microstructure and High Temperature Tensile Property[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 61: 35-45.

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